Monthly Archives: November 2011

McAfee Suspects Sophisticated Indulge at Cybercriminals’ Demeanor

According to McAfee’s third quarter security threats report (Q3-2011), revealed by Intel-owned security technology firm, cybercriminals seems to change their tactics of circulating malware for avoiding law enforcement, reports on November 21, 2011. Commenting on the findings, Toralv Dirro, Security Strategist at McAfee Labs EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa) said that as a result of a sudden augment of virus indulgence, large botnets are being shut down and operators are being driven to concentrate more on smaller and localized networks, highlights on November 21, 2011. While explaining the matter, Dirro claimed that law enforcement becomes more interesting when the botnet is bigger

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McAfee Suspects Sophisticated Indulge at Cybercriminals’ Demeanor

UK cops: ‘We thwarted Royal Wedding web attack plot’

Kid cuffed in DDoS probe UK cybercops have claimed credit for preventing attempts to blast the official Royal Wedding website offline in April, following the arrest of a teenager suspected of masterminding the attack.

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UK cops: ‘We thwarted Royal Wedding web attack plot’

Researchers Show How Easy It Is To Infiltrate Facebook

A new paper being presented next month at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) shows easy it is to infiltrate Facebook and harvest valuable user data. Botnets, networks of hijacked computers controlled remotely for criminal gain or spreading propaganda, have been aggravating cybersecurity professionals for years. The near-billion people connected to social networks has made Facebook and Twitter the new juicy targets for similar schemes

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Researchers Show How Easy It Is To Infiltrate Facebook

DoS attack rocks Palestine, cuts phones, internet

Large denial of service attacks have rocked Palestinian severing internet service to the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian Communications Minister Mashur Abu Daqqa told reporters the attacks originated from locations “all over the world … using mirror servers.” Up to a million packets a second had hit Palestine’s incumbent telephone company PalTel, local media said

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DoS attack rocks Palestine, cuts phones, internet