Tag Archives: games

GitHub wipes hand across bloodied face, stumbles from brutal DDoS beating

Wouldn’t have happened if you’d just used SVN, eh! Popular source-code warehouse GitHub was back online today after weathering a huge denial-of-service attack throughout the week.…

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GitHub wipes hand across bloodied face, stumbles from brutal DDoS beating

Malware culprit fingered in mysterious Tor traffic spike

Spammy botnet got sneaky Security researchers believe they have identified the botnet responsible for a recent spike in traffic on the anonymizing Tor network, but the exact purpose of the malware remains unclear.…

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Malware culprit fingered in mysterious Tor traffic spike

Tor traffic torrent: It ain’t the Syrians, it’s the BOTS

‘No humans are behind these clients’ The recent spike in traffic on the Tor anonymizing relay network is probably due to botnet activity rather than any recent political developments, research by Tor Project members has concluded.…

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Tor traffic torrent: It ain’t the Syrians, it’s the BOTS