Tag Archives: middle-east

Week in review: Google discloses Windows flaw, French sites under attack, Android users in danger

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news and articles: LizardSquad's DDoS service is powered by hacked home routers The preponderance of routers represented in the botnet …

Week in review: Google discloses Windows flaw, French sites under attack, Android users in danger

Dormant IP addresses RIPE for hijacking

‘That’s not us spamming, honest’ cries hosting firm Spammers are using loop holes in the internet routing registry to commandeer address space and pump out junk mail, and potentially launch denial of service attacks and steal traffic.…

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Dormant IP addresses RIPE for hijacking

Global DDoS attack numbers decline, attacks from China rise

In the second quarter of 2014, Akamai observed attack traffic originating from 161 unique countries/regions, which was 33 fewer than the first quarter of the year. The highest concentration of attacks…

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Global DDoS attack numbers decline, attacks from China rise