“According to industry estimates, botnets have caused over $9 billion in losses to US victims and over $110 billion in losses globally. Approximately 500 million computers are infected globally each y…
Tag Archives: spotlight
100+ DDoS events over 100GB/sec reported this year
Arbor Networks released global DDoS attack data derived from its ATLAS threat monitoring infrastructure. The data shows an unparalleled number of volumetric attacks in the first half of 2014 with over…
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100+ DDoS events over 100GB/sec reported this year
Dispelling the myths behind DDoS attacks
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are quickly becoming the preferred method for cyber attackers to wreak havoc on the internet. With a recent spate of attention grabbing headlines focused o…
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Dispelling the myths behind DDoS attacks
DDoS attacks are becoming more effective
Disruptive cyber-attacks are becoming more effective at breaching security defenses, causing major disruption and sometimes bringing down organizations for whole working days, according to a new globa…
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DDoS attacks are becoming more effective
Drastic decline in vulnerable NTP servers due to Heartbleed?
In light of the escalation of DDoS attacks used as a means of extorting money from online businesses, the news that there has been a significant decrease in vulnerable Network Time Protocol (NTP) serv…
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Drastic decline in vulnerable NTP servers due to Heartbleed?
Five steps towards cyber breach preparation
Earlier this week, Domino’s Pizza became the latest victim of a breach and ransom demand. Recent DDoS attacks on Evernote and Feedly DDoS, along with the efforts of Cryptolocker and other tricks to ex…
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Five steps towards cyber breach preparation
Microsoft patches DoS flaw in its Malware Protection Engine
Microsoft has released an update for its Malware Protection Engine to fix a privately reported security vulnerability that could allow a denial of service if the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine sc…
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Microsoft patches DoS flaw in its Malware Protection Engine
Winning the war on web stealth attacks
The “National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime 2014”, published in May by the UK National Crime Agency, listed DDoS as a major concern for business critical systems for the first ti…
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Winning the war on web stealth attacks
DDoS attacks: Criminals get stealthier
There is a lot of media hype surrounding volumetric style DDoS attacks recently where the focus has been on large Gb/sec attacks, sometimes up to 400 Gb/sec. In reality, these are very rare and these …
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DDoS attacks: Criminals get stealthier
The evolution of an Iranian hacker group
Iran-based hacker groups have traditionally concentrated more on website defacement and DDoS attacks aimed at making a political statement, but as time passes, some of those groups and their attack me…
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The evolution of an Iranian hacker group