Tag Archives: universe

‘DerpTroll’ derps into plea deal, admits DDoS attacks on EA, Steam, Sony game servers

Austin Thompson, 23, cops to $95,000 worth of damage The man accused over DDoS-bombing several online games hosts in 2013 and 2014 has entered a guilty plea under a deal with US authorities.…

‘DerpTroll’ derps into plea deal, admits DDoS attacks on EA, Steam, Sony game servers

Spammer scum hack 100,000 home routers via UPnP vulns to craft email-flinging botnet

Look out for traffic to and from these IP addresses and ports Once again, a hundred thousand or more home routers have been press-ganged into a spam-spewing botnet, this time via Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).…

See more here:
Spammer scum hack 100,000 home routers via UPnP vulns to craft email-flinging botnet

World’s biggest DDoS-for-hire souk shuttered, masterminds cuffed

Webstresser.org taken down by Europol plod and chums Cops yesterday cuffed IT admins behind the “world’s biggest DDoS marketplace”, webstresser.org, Europol confirmed today.…

Visit site:
World’s biggest DDoS-for-hire souk shuttered, masterminds cuffed

Cloudflare promises to tend not two, but 65,535 ports in a storm

But no Daily Stormer please Cloudflare made its name proxying traffic for web servers, on network ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), as a defense against denial of service attacks and their ilk.…

Cloudflare promises to tend not two, but 65,535 ports in a storm