Tag Archives: whats-changed

Google caps punch-yourself-in-the-face malicious charger hack

Another reason to avoid those DEF CON charging stations. Google has capped a dangerous but somewhat obscure boot mode vulnerability that allowed infected PCs and chargers to put top end Nexus phones into denial of service states.…

See the article here:
Google caps punch-yourself-in-the-face malicious charger hack

DDoS script kiddies are also… actual kiddies, Europol arrests reveal

Young ‘uns hire tools to hit infrastructure, info systems Law enforcement bods at Europol have arrested 34 users of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) cyber-attack tools and interviewed and cautioned 101 suspects in a global crackdown.…

DDoS script kiddies are also… actual kiddies, Europol arrests reveal

Mirai variant turns TalkTalk routers into zombie botnet agents

Infosec folk spot web of compromised British devices Hundreds of Mirai-infected home routers across the UK are currently acting as DDoS bots.…

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Mirai variant turns TalkTalk routers into zombie botnet agents